Nice one Arwon. I think that if more people are taking these sellers head-on with direct questions, authentications with the owners of these trademarks and reporting scams, they will get cold feet as they would know people are onto them and withdraw their ad even before eBay does.
Having dealt with China regarding trading for many years, I know that word will get around very quickly that it's too risky to try and sell these copies on eBay and the practice will slowly slow down to a point where only the complete idiots will still try and flog off fake detectors etc.
It is "frowned upon" by Chinese authorities when it comes to reproducing fakes but hardly enforced, thus allowing a free-for-all attitude and if they can get away with it, they will most certainly do it. Remember, the average wage over there is a fraction of what we earn over here and the sale of even 1 detector could mean the difference between just surviving and living it up.
By protecting our sponsors interests, we are also protecting each other and future members of our hobby too