Had a recent experience with a dropkick Ebay buyer when I listed a detector for sale, compared to what else was on there the price seemed reasonable, anyway long story short this dropkick buyer placed a bid on it about 6 days out from the end of the auction, then later messaged me with a question about an item that comes with it, anyway the auction ends and then a few days go by and he has not paid for it, so as I had it packed and ready to send as I did not want him to have to wait too long for it and was concerned with border closings and all that things going by road might be effected.(always trying to do the right thing by people)
Anyway I got a message back and this person said he did not bid on it and that Ebay must have stuffed up, and further to that said he would not pay that price for it anyway, even though it was priced lower than similar items on there, I replied so you just changed your mind?, funny though after you placed the bid on it you asked another question about it? then told him that its people like him that are destroying online sale sites for everyone else, and of course got no reply.
Funny thing later I found the very same model detector for sale at the same price listed for the exactly same times as mine, it seems that some sellers are tying up other sellers gear with bogus bids from newly opened accounts to increase the chances of selling themselves, on contacting other sellers with re listed items they confirmed that they have had to re list their gear after bogus non paying bidders have done their dirty work, even heard mention of one seller bidding on his own gear to drive up the price, think this is called "shill bidding" ? something like that anyway.
Further to that when I contacted ebay and questioned them about the legal aspects of purchases as one of their statements says that purchases are legal and binding, but this is not so as they don't enforce it anyway and probably have no power to do so, also told them that they put to much emphasis on protecting the buyers when in reality its the sellers that pay the fees and not the buyers, ok no ebay without buyers but no money for them to make without sellers either, dont expect any real help from them in these sorts of matters, best thing is to share the information of the dropkick buyer with other sellers and place them on your blocked bidders (chit) list, or delete bids from new or low feedback bidders, although I feel this is unfair as is penalises good people because of the actions of a few a**holes.
Had a recent experience with a dropkick Ebay buyer when I listed a detector for sale, compared to what else was on there the price seemed reasonable, anyway long story short this dropkick buyer placed a bid on it about 6 days out from the end of the auction, then later messaged me with a question about an item that comes with it, anyway the auction ends and then a few days go by and he has not paid for it, so as I had it packed and ready to send as I did not want him to have to wait too long for it and was concerned with border closings and all that things going by road might be effected.(always trying to do the right thing by people)
Anyway I got a message back and this person said he did not bid on it and that Ebay must have stuffed up, and further to that said he would not pay that price for it anyway, even though it was priced lower than similar items on there, I replied so you just changed your mind?, funny though after you placed the bid on it you asked another question about it? then told him that its people like him that are destroying online sale sites for everyone else, and of course got no reply.
Funny thing later I found the very same model detector for sale at the same price listed for the exactly same times as mine, it seems that some sellers are tying up other sellers gear with bogus bids from newly opened accounts to increase the chances of selling themselves, on contacting other sellers with re listed items they confirmed that they have had to re list their gear after bogus non paying bidders have done their dirty work, even heard mention of one seller bidding on his own gear to drive up the price, think this is called "shill bidding" ? something like that anyway.
Further to that when I contacted ebay and questioned them about the legal aspects of purchases as one of their statements says that purchases are legal and binding, but this is not so as they don't enforce it anyway and probably have no power to do so, also told them that they put to much emphasis on protecting the buyers when in reality its the sellers that pay the fees and not the buyers, ok no ebay without buyers but no money for them to make without sellers either, dont expect any real help from them in these sorts of matters, best thing is to share the information of the dropkick buyer with other sellers and place them on your blocked bidders (chit) list, or delete bids from new or low feedback bidders, although I feel this is unfair as is penalises good people because of the actions of a few a**holes.