going back on subject here from all these conspiracy's
I decided to take the garrett out for a quick hunt before work as i have not detected in maybe 1-2 months and came across what looks to be a campsite from the 60's.
All these items were found within a 30-50 metres radius ( in the bush off track) and i only rushed as i had a time limit. However, tomorrow i will be all hours and will increase the search area.
a whole heaps of silver three pence and six pence ranging from 1942-1958 ( nothing grand) but some inspiration.
1953 half penny, 1948 half p, and 1941 penny.
Along with some interesting related items on the chopping board.
A cool lead maybe iron or silver statue. an old rusted razor, fair few bottles caps and unforatuntely smashed beautiful thick glass bottles from the 60's. as some i came across were amazing but broken. And items were just pinging every step for 40-50 minutes and i was only digging the good items such as the coins many 45's-53's i didnt dig. As the ones i did were just bottle caps. Many hopeful singlas such as 70-86's were the norm today. Very happy. But could be better.
The good thing was there was no junk items cans etc just camp related possible army related 60's camp site stuff. As i found approx4-6 rashion tins all stacked together but buried some in nice condition! Which i didnt take with me as it was early on in the search. but after finding out what they are i am entrigued to look further.