Dreams and Associated Good Luck / Superstitions

Prospecting Australia

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Aug 13, 2018
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Ok, I've decided that I'll start this Thread. I've always prided myself in being a rather Scientific and fairly well educated kind of person, and have been known in the past to scoff at superstitions and associated religious mumbo-jumbo.

However.............. Whether or not there actually IS such a thing as Gold Fever like I keep reading about on here and on other forums, I have noticed that in recent times I have started to become, well- dare I say it?- Superstitious with regard to my prospecting. I'm almost embarrassed to say it, in fact my wife who is a Medical Scientist by profession, Non religious and a person only interested in data and facts, has started to take interest in my reverting to apparent caveman-like attention to omens and portents.

I wonder if, from a Psychologists point of view I have tapped into that ancient fear of famine and failed crops etc (you know, the one that used to make us sacrifice other humans prior to sewing our crops, or doing other whacko things before going on a hunt etc).

As a relative newbie to prospecting of course, I am well aware of my propensity to clutch at straws (Hey, straws are much easier to clutch at than reading the 5000 manual over and over, or studying all of the geovic layers for any particular area, or gridding the same area over and over with each different size coil/ setting in the kit).

You probably have all read at some time the story of the late Kevin Hillier and his dream about a huge gold nugget, that was claimed to have been drawn on a piece of paper and signed by a witness prior to him finding the Hand of Faith. The drawing is very much like the shape of the nugget eventually found.


Anyway, I'll start the ball rolling with these next few tales of my own, and I would love to hear of anybody elses Dreams, Paranormal experiences (You know, like long dead great uncle Chuck appeared in my sleep and told me where his secret reef used to be), beliefs, or little rituals that are a MUST DO prior to a successful prospecting trip. Or, not even necessarily related to prospecting but still spookily uncanny.

The first for me was a dream a couple of weeks ago, just before I woke up to the alarm to get up. I dreamed that there was this huge Huntsman spider on the wall. Not just "It was the biggest one I've ever seen" type of Huntsman, but a ridiculously Huge one of stupid proportions that almost took up the whole wall. Anyway, I have my breakfast, shave and get dressed and then go outside to the car and see this in the sky.


The photo doesn't do it justice as it was taken with my clam-shell cheapy phone and there are other buildings/fences etc in the way. But once I got out on the road and the sun was up a little more I could see the whole thing against the horizon and it looked like a full Spider, but I was travelling on a main road and couldn't take another photo while I was driving.

Anyway, today (Saturday) I was supposed to go detecting in the GT again, but I cancelled at the last minute as we've had a lot of rain up here in the last couple of days and many of our roads to the GT are dirt, as is the one I will have to go down once I get there in my 2wd car. I cancelled and decided that I will go tomorrow (Sunday) instead, giving the roads a chance to dry out a little.

So, last night I had my first ever Gold nugget dream. Weird, in that all I've read in the last 12 months or so is detecting related articles, technical manuals, Geology related articles, Tully maps and tips from people on here and other forums.

Last nights dream was a nugget that was triangular in shape, smooth, and when I weighed it the read-out said 29. In the dream my wife was saying "Well is it 29 grams or 29 ounces?" Frustratingly, the scales had no indication of what measure we were using, but in the dream it didn't seem to bother me at all as it was gold and a bloody good find for a bloke who hasn't found anything but junk as yet!

Anyway, it would be good to see this thread as the repository for Prospecting related Paranormal accounts.

Great Stuff Silver, that's exactly the type of thing I mean. I hadn't seen that post before as it was long before I joined the forum.
goldtrapper said:
.....and today you went out and found a 29oz triangular nugget. :) That's all that was missing.

:D Nope, it's tomorrow I'm going out now. That 29 ouncer might just be waiting for me :p

And there's nothing wrong with potions limpalot :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: God bless the amber libation

And that is an amazing photo LoneWolf. I'd be kinda scared to go outside and take the photo if I'd seen it through the window :fire:

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