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Prospecting Australia

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Jun 2, 2016
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Hello to everyone again. It was a rainy forecast so I put the gear in the suv with Google screen shots of a largish town in northern Vic. I have not been there before and so on my first visit I get along on the solid tones.

Rainy weather is perfect, less traffic, no playground occupants, better conductivity, and a lot less passer by interference. Clearly the town I chose did not have a resident coin shooter. Broke the $40 mark with many a $2 coin popping out. The screw tops kept me busy. No jewelry, and few surprises. Not bad day out for a grand total of 3 parks and around 4 hrs.

Managed a few roo Pennys which was unexpected, out in one corner of the grassed area. Spent an hour in an attempt to find an owner of an old house site between two smaller towns on the drive home. Twin standing chimneys is like a beacon for a pre decimal fan. Alas no result, which in itself is a disappointment.

I will be out again tomorrow in a different area on another old established property if the owner is still forthcoming with permission, which I am very excited about as the last visit was in summer and digging was a real trial. I recovered over 50 pre decimals in a 6 hour session with plenty of ground and out building areas left.

I will attempt to provide some pictures of the spoils for anyone interested in today's escapade. B.
Haha. OK.
I must be missing something. I keep following the instructions but it won't allow me to upload a pic from my phone. I'm puzzled. The technology can challenge me at times but I'm not having much luck. Administration suggestions?
The files I have are within the defined size parameters but the upload link only directs me to my camera. These picturns will almost certainly be much to large. Nor can I access documents.
You have the files under one Meg ? If using an Android phone, when the options selection screen ones up click on documents. Another menu will open where you can choose the gallery.

Excuse the horrible photo. In my haste to upload Ive sacrificed image quality....But the coins are in the banking bags now.
Champion Ramjet. I was just reading your posts in uploading images thread. I do thank you however for your personal post. Hooray we now have pictures! I was beginning to think it was due to not enough posts or browser issues or something I might not understand. Simple fix really.
I email my pics from my android phone...the email app automatically gives me the option to lower the size of them. I choose 70%, send to same email address, refresh emails that I can upload with good resolution, and forum friendly.
Cleaned up the lawned area around an old favourite. The large ash trees bring the picnic crowd every year, half a block from a street front with a small super market. Picked the gold out around a fortnight ago and went back for a grid late afternoon. Lots of coin, not much value for 2 hours. The gold was deep and easily missed on the first combing. Total for 2016 for this park would be nearing $50. B.
Out again today. Sports oval inside the 50 arc to the boundary. Let that not be an endorsement for newbies or amateurs. With permission from the grounds man, no turf was injured in the making of these finds.
Surprises included toasted penny and 1951 threepence missed in the 1c pieces if you look closely.
All ovals are trashy so discrimination set at 30 to take the lowest pulltabs and foil out, jewelry mode, no boost, 85 sensitivity and dig. Impossible to run wide open its pulltabs overload near the boundaries. About 5 metres in I switched over to am and picked up the solid 5c 10c and 20c tones through tracing with PP. Admittedly you can help but get sucked into a few pulltabs here and there.
Scored the thrip next to the fence running am before I left. I ran headphones on volume max and dug a few of the cents pretty deep. The goldies are only replenishments since last year and that is why they are in good order. Only 2 flattened screw caps after countless amounts last year. If you know your coming back it's a good idea to get the junk out.
Cherry picked this last year in its entirety for around $60. The gift that keeps on giving. Less than an hours work but an hours drive.