As mentioned there are too many variables to give a precise answer on what depth a nugget of any size can be found, small nuggets seem to be primarily found in the first 150 mm, maybe that's just the norm for a higher percentage of the ground types we encounter here in the west, and also that most of the ground is shallow anyway, I have of course found smallish pieces down a bit deeper in certain places where the surface layer has been disturbed or in scraped areas, it has a lot to do with layers of ground mineralisation, soil moisture content, temperature of the ground, all these things can play a role as well.
Some areas are quickly worked out of the easy pieces as the nugget responses are very good and very easily heard, but some spots will definitely hide some better nuggets that are not particularly deep, one patch 4-5 nice solid pieces were found and they were all over the ounce mark, but they were only at about maybe the 200 mm depth and from the surface the signals were all very vague, it was not until the surface layer was broken did the signal improve slightly, I was surprised at the sizes of the nuggets and from past finds in that general area would have expected them to give a really good response, just that one particular spot obviously had more going on in the ground.