Clive Palmer a menace

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Jun 25, 2017
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Esperance, WA
the latestest from Clive Palmer. As a western Australian I can honestly say he is not making many friends in the west and trying to sue the West Australian government for $30 billion is just stupidity and gready. It works out to $12000 each person in west and that I don't have

If he has been genuinely dubbed by the WA government and the courts rule that way then he as I or you should be compensated.

Just because you might be considered by some to be a ******** the rule of law still applies which you have needed or will need yourself by your lifes end more than likely.

This could go on and on and on but I look forward to any ruling.

Yes get out the popcorn :)
The funny thing about our Clive is that he hasnt mined a single shovel of iron ore,it is all still in the ground,billions and billions and billions of $ worth.

He may as well own a gold mine :money:
Not trying to turn this thread political, but the history behind this is very political.
I USED to be a WA Lib supporter, bit Im one of many who stand behind McGowan now, & he didn't start this problem. It evolved around Clive's dodgy deals with the previous Gov.
Clive can go jump off a cliff.
Agree night jar. Real Estate agents also make good money out of relationship and marriage break downs but they are lower in the food chain than lawyers.
Real Estate Agents and Developers have habit of doing what they like because of their association with the Party in power at the time. We had our view of the Story Bridge and City destroyed because the prick across the road had an association with a private building inspector allowed him to extend his shitbox wider to take in the view and take a few 100 grand off our house value.
I'll slip him 10 Bucks if'n it'll quiet him down a bit. $10 - 10 Billion.... doesn't even register if your rich.... wouldn't make a big diff at all to him (while We go without milk and bread). O:)
Palmer should compensate all the people who lost their jobs/livelihoods/homes when Palmer did them all over some years ago first, before looking for compensation for himself.

Someone should put a bullet in his head, it'll be cheaper and more beneficial to blow the greedy prix head off.
Jaros said:
Real Estate Agents and Developers have habit of doing what they like because of their association with the Party in power at the time. We had our view of the Story Bridge and City destroyed because the prick across the road had an association with a private building inspector allowed him to extend his shitbox wider to take in the view and take a fer 100 grand off our house value.

The other thing that is unconscionable, is stage 1 developments with great views to parkland, rivers, or whatever, sold with billboards showing families playing in the long grass and throwing a frisbee with the dog. Once all sold and built, then comes stage 2 - smack bang in front of the poor *******s who forked out first for the great views, space, lifestyle etc.

Stage 2 think they are doing well getting all the great views to parkland & rivers now, and don't mind paying more as the practicality of the area has been improved with shops, cafes, childcare centers and schools etc., that have sprung up in response to the stage one purchasers. Stage 1 buyers have lost what attracted them and now overlook stage 2.

Then Comes stage 3 or the final stage, as close to the rivers, parklands, lakes, bikepaths etc., as they can get. Now stage one look at stage 2, and stage 2 look at stage 3, who of course paid through the nose for the final release that spruiked- "Views that can never be built out" etc.

My inlaws got stung like that in SA. My father-inlaw is a mad keen golfer, and they bought a new two storey house right in the golf course at Victor Harbor in SA. He could open his back gate and he was on the golf course. His neighbors did the same as him, and as soon as they were all built and moved into, the Golf course managed to get a planning permit through on a narrow strip of land between them and the fairway, and built more smack bang in front of them. They have since sold up and moved.

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