I have 4 at my place, and 3 of them are cats, and I reckon cats are really cool, its the bad owners, and the idiots who dump them or neglect them so that they wander away and start to fend for themselves who are the real villains, cats just revert to being what they were originally before we domesticated them, they are real survivors, I have seen them out bush hundreds of klms from the closest town, apparently they can go for several weeks without drinking water as they get their moisture from their food and also eat grasses as well.
When I was a kid I remember it was common practice for people to take unwanted pets out into the bush and let them go, I heard about it quite a lot, but as a kid had no idea what impact it had on the environment and just thought it was what you did with an unwanted pet, also did not realize what a cruel thing it was to do that, people complain about the feral animals a lot in this country but who were the idiots that brought them here and released them, stupid humans :awful: