Breaking the boredom

Prospecting Australia

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Philip & Sandra Box
Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
Cue, WA
We've been home for months now and there's only so much maintenance and repairs that anybody can handle in one stretch. I just had to get out there. We've received our 40e permit back for a patch out east of Perth but it's still a six hour drive and with our big trip starting on 9th April we've decided to leave this patch until then.

Monday afternoon I grabbed the 4500 and headed for the patch of bush across the road. Along with a half a dozen bullets and a knife I found what looks like a coin. What sort of coin, I have no idea.


Any help would be appreciated.


We showed it at the APLA meeting tonight but nobody came up with an identification.
Interesting find!

Reminds me of a piece of eight. Can you tell what it is made out of? Lead?

Will have a little Google and see what's out there but going from the picture it looks like a lead replica of an old Spanish silver.

Mike. ?
Very interesting. Kind of a chinese stamped token or coin. I couldn't come across much in searching, but 'chinese token tao dao bao' was bringing up some things that's looked similar and stamped
Thanks for the help guys.


I've taken a few photos as a comparison to the Australian 10c piece.


It's slightly bigger and a similar thickness.


The weight is only a little more than 10c as well.


I don't know what type of metal it's made from but it's not heavy enough to be lead.

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