Best Surprise Ever

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Jul 26, 2016
Reaction score
I was feeling a bit down today and went to the mail box expecting another bill
Well to my BIGGEST surprise ever i had a parcel from Little Gem Hunter
Yes a letter and a drawing of the turtle and a bag of paydirt
for once i am stuck for words and all i can think of is Thank you so much LGH you made my day
you are one in a million
FANTASTIC!..LGH. There you go, :D :D :Y: Ken! You deserve every good thing that comes your way cobber! and this looks like a good thing to me. ]:D What a great gesture! There are some unreal people out there..makes one feel all warm and fuzzy inside :D:Y: :Y: :Y:
I hope this has given you a real little boost mate,and the bag of paydirt is chock full of yella :p
What an awesome surprise. LGH, that's such a nice thing to do. I love they way members on here do nice things for each other.

Makes me proud to work on this great forum. :) :Y:
GOLDEN :Y: well done LGH, 7.62marksman looks like LGH hit the bullseye :Y:. Have fun panning that lot. Paying it forward, like LGH couldn't think of a more deserving PAF member. Not that others aren't noticed but you Sir are a very special person well done to both of you :Y: :D

Maybe I should have put this in What made you smile today :).