Thanks for the concern Dave,
Im fine ,still here in Hill End.
My finger is well on the way to being healed, getting most of the feeling back into it.
Just got back from taking a couple of first timers out for a swing with their new SDC and yes they found a nice little gold / ironstone specimen.
I am planing to head north to the Ridge then onto Clermont and Mt Morgan but every time I set a departure date the town finds a way of keeping me here.
I am now the on call maintenance person at The Royal and have been busy fixing things. The publican is covering my camp fees if I stay in the pub till closing time each night to make sure that the barmaids dont get harassed and to talk to the tourists. I was generally in the pub till closing each night anyway. :lol:
There is also talk among the locals about marring me off before I can escape from here
The weather up here has been fantastic for winter with only 3 nights of -7 so far. Once the winter weather that HE is known for sets in I will be on the road.
At this stage I hope to be on the way north by the end of next week unless something pops up to keep me here