After detecting in all sort of places for about twenty years I was actually physically attacked by some nutcase this morning. Guy in his mid twenties come from behind me yelling to give him gold and detector. I told him politely to to leave me alone The guy told me that if I don't give him my detector and gold (???) he will have my car tow away. By this time it was obvious that I'm dealing with some sort of nut or someone on drugs. Told him to pissed off or I will call cops. He tried to snatched my detector and after I evaded him I got my phone and tried to dial 000. I have to evade barrage of wild swings and couple well aimed kicks on my head. By that time I had enough of this so I pick up my trowel from the ground and hit him wiht it couple times on his foot when he kicked at me. That seems to do the trick and with lot of abuse and , I know who you are I will get you, he went away. I tried to continue detecting, but couldn't concentrate so after about fifteen minutes I gave up and went home.
Only $2.70 for all this troubles. I think I will give this park miss for while.
Only $2.70 for all this troubles. I think I will give this park miss for while.