Aldi "Can Hunter" dectector finds

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Feb 21, 2016
Reaction score
Ok so I know i love pics so i thought i should start a thread of my finds with pics
I am new to detecting in Jan 2016 and have been hitting the local parks so far Southside of Brisbane

1st day i scored a 20c coin in the local sand pit but i did not take a pic :)
1st real trip out thought i would try the edges of the netball courts for an hour or so

not sure if it's netball season and i think i should check that part out
2.20 and some random ally cans
a old hair clip
i also dumped some other ally in the bin there

total $$ 4.40

2nd real trip out
a old park in Hemmant

nothing of value but good training
I think that the park is to modern and no one pre-decimal may have been there losing coins etc
and there is not enough modern traffic either
Ramjet said:
Its a good start :D keep at it. I don't usually do very well around netball courts. Maybe women are more careful with money ;)

Funny you should say that Rod, I think it's becauise women seem to keep all their coins in their purse, blokes just have them in their pockets. I dunno, my theory anyway.
rocketaroo said:
I have scored silver ear rings around netball courts, on three occasions.

that's was a bit of my thought process but i need to get some skills happening i reckon :)

thanks all for looking :)
Hi Maheel ... Good start ... Hit the kiddie playgrounds (tot lots) where there is wood chips under the play equipment ... Plan it right and you can hit 4/5 in an hour ... Good practice ... No digging (kick hips with foot) and lots of gold coins
lower your sensitivity to half, or lower so you can detect close to the play equipment. Or just swish around them with a pinpointer.
sweet ring, gives me hope !!

today's 1hr adventure back to my local park
plenty of ground in it to cover :)
the ground is so dry i cannot really dig anything more than a few inchs as it just makes dust holes...
we need some rain to soften it all up

Brisbane 2009 lions keyring
hexagon nut
1st sunkist can...
more ally

total $14.33
I try to tell the missus ."it's not what you got but how you swing it "
Go the alditector :D