A mixed bag

Prospecting Australia

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Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
We had a chance late last week to have a hunt. We are looking for a concentration of Chinese artefacts but after 12 months or so still no luck. But where these items were found may be closer.

The Kruschen lid does not have "Salts" on it and is a screw lid. The big halfpenny is an 1805 or 1806 (I still have yet to find a decent one of these), The token is an Iredale, The holed find is a big penny of unknown vintage. The Chinese coins are thin and you can see someone must have been bored as they made about 12 to 14 edges to the biggest coin. The soil is terrible for coppers. I like the rose decorative buckle. The item top left looks like a napkin holder.



Nice old mixed bag Detectist, hope you find the mother load your looking for ! :Y: :D :Y:
The Chinese knew their coins were useless outside of their Aussie camps so they even broke them up into quarters for gambolling chips. Nice finds though mate :Y: Still at Wedderburn?
Thanks guys.

BigWave - no, back home now. Planning the final bits for WA. Almost ready to lodge 40e.

How's your luck running?
GypsyGoldAu said:
Mmmm...gee that rose buckle would look great in gold.... ]:D
How do you recon it would restore gypsy ? Would you have a similar type objects before n after photos we could see (in gold), one that would be restored from "in ground" to "opulent glory"? And, (all these questions) have you got a thread up yet showing before and after photos that I've missed somehow (I do miss things sometimes) ,... cause, I recon I see its potential too ! :Y: :p :Y:
Could be nice to showcase a few of those special finds we get in a wow factor type of way. :D
Hey Silver,...thanks for the queries. To do a 'full' resto may prove too costly with a lot of work required to the outer 'brace'...

The centre-piece however should clean up nicely and plate well..(two different substrates in construction)

Sorry, as a new business i don't have any similar pics, and have tried to avoid blatant 'touting' as i'm not a pledged sponsor...

However, you may keep track of things in a thread i have started here;...


Keep posted Silver, as i am in 'negotiations' with mods/management for something here as well....ssshhhh ]:D ;)


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