Stoked to find this silver ring in a beachside park today. When it came out of the hole at around 6 deep didnt recognise it as silver it was that oxidized and cruddy, I just threw it in my bag thinking it was just cheap junk.
Well after throwing it in the ultrasonic cleaner at home, I saw the first sparkle of a stone and then a glint of silver.
After a good polish up with the dremmel buff it came back to life..... mustve been in the ground a long time.
It even looks to be a reasonable stone in there.... pale lilac in colour, any ideas.
Well after throwing it in the ultrasonic cleaner at home, I saw the first sparkle of a stone and then a glint of silver.
After a good polish up with the dremmel buff it came back to life..... mustve been in the ground a long time.
It even looks to be a reasonable stone in there.... pale lilac in colour, any ideas.