sapphire bend

Prospecting Australia

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  1. LD.

    Sapphire Bend, Oberon NSW

    Hello, I've been fossicking a total of two times, both at Sapphire Bend & looking at all the holes in the ground I am having difficulty identifying the wash layer, any advice on what should be an obvious sign? If you get to dense mud is the wash layer directly above it or is it all a bit mashed...
  2. C

    Sapphire Bend/ Blue Hills Quarry, Oberon NSW

    Hi All Its been a bit quiet on this area for a while so was wondering how you all been going out there and do you have any stories to tell. I'm looking to head out there after a 6 months break so quite keen to get into it again before it gets too cold. Can anyone tell me if Blue Hills is open...
  3. N

    Finds from Sapphire bend, Oberon NSW

    Hi guys, just thought I'd post todays finds. The water was bloody freezing and we kept having to stop to warm my hands as they were red from the cold. Just some small stones. I have no idea about carat size or anything, but you can see the size in the film canister lid. The colour difference...