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Prospecting Australia

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  1. Peter Blundell

    Wanting to team up with someone (Vic)

    Hey if your in Melbourne Bendigo Maryborough Ballarat Geelong ect or any surrounding towns and you wanna team up go gold prospecting let me know
  2. Peter Blundell

    Changes in Victoria's prospecting rules

    Heat stroke would have been a killer
  3. Peter Blundell

    Newbie in Melbourne

    Hi Costello, I'm also new to Melbourne and soon I'll have my equinox 800 lol, to answer your question there are goldfields in the Bendigo and Maryborough areas. I'm in Ballarat now there even goldfields here in Ballarat mate
  4. Peter Blundell

    New to gold prospecting

    Hey I'm Peter I'm new here and new to gold prospecting