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Prospecting Australia

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  1. Skip

    If WalnLiz wrote a book I'd buy it...

    Put me on that list! Be an interesting read, one that tells a life journey. Skip
  2. Skip

    Porters Retreat

  3. Skip

    Porters Retreat

    Anyone know when the track will reopen? Or is it permanently closed? I've found a few small blues there but nothing worth cutting. Saying that I have seen some good stones taken out!
  4. Skip

    GPX 5000

    Kinda not, I promised it to Wal. If he decides not to buy it I'll let you know. Should find out next week.
  5. Skip

    Nugget Finder DD coils

    Hey guys any word when the new range of DD nugget finders will be out?
  6. Skip

    GPX 5000

    Bump $3500
  7. Skip

    Detector Scoops

    For some reason I can't see the pics above,, But I have a horse feed scoop, quite flat on the bottom and enables a good scratch about. The only problem is sometimes it holds to much dirt and you miss the target. If the gold is small it can take a while to relocate after you've thrown the...
  8. Skip

    Friday Quiz

    9/10 135 points.. Does your cattle Dog chew your shit up.. true or false.. quiz correct answer was False.. I call BS on that answer. My cattle chewed everything in sight as a pup even my Blundstone boots 😑
  9. Skip

    Goldtalk Leonora videos

    I've tried every settings under the sun. Some say run your machine hot (flat out) and train your brain for 100 hours of noise.. well, I'm with goldtalk. I like a lower gain setting around 6-8 if you want sanity anyhow! Sensitivity on 4 If I miss a .002 bit.. so be it!
  10. Skip

    Southern Aurora

    I asked a local in Swansea (Tas) if he ever saw the aurora in Swansea. Nope was his answer. In Hobart yes. Reckons only with a long exposure can you capture it on the east coast. What I saw was thin wisps/bands of white light mixed with clouds. I was looking south west at the time from the...
  11. Skip

    27mhz or UHF CB radio discussion

    My understanding of 'Skip' can occur when multiple users flood the airways and the frequencies combine to boost the airways.. ? I've mainly used 27 MHz am and only ever used SSB on the commercial fishing vessels years ago. Good hobby to keep going. I'll see if I can find a decent receiver for...
  12. Skip

    Southern Aurora

    I've recently moved to Tassie and noticed what looked like to the naked eye a slight hint of solar flare? Could it be possible to see such events in Tassie with just your eyes? Further more how far north could you see the Aurora? I'd imagine Goldierocks could shed light ( pardon th pun) as...
  13. Skip

    Gold replenished at Oallen Forde...

    Fossicking at Oallen as (Wal has pointed out,) volume = gold. The gold is very fine, flour gold in places. If you decide to use a river sluce I'd recommend one that can capture the fine stuff. I like to classify the material down in a bucket, then gently scoop it through the river sluce. Skip
  14. Skip

    Gold definitions - "Alluvial", "Eluvial", "Colluvial" etc.

    Quite large. The sign in my pic of lake Burbury has a short read displaying the valley was glaciated during the last ice age.
  15. Skip

    Gold definitions - "Alluvial", "Eluvial", "Colluvial" etc.

    Reg I've recently moved to Tassie living on the east coast, and the geology here has opened up my eyes to a whole new level. Such a difference in landscape to the main land. One I'm enjoying very much. This info has helped me join the dots. Probs just saved me 10 years of reading 🙂 Thanks guys
  16. Skip

    Gold definitions - "Alluvial", "Eluvial", "Colluvial" etc.

    I have indeed seen those granite boulders you speak of Goldie near Queenstown Tas and was wondering why/how they got there. It never occurred to me glacial movement is the likely cause. 👍
  17. Skip

    Friday Quiz

    Seems like you gotta be a fossil to answer these questions lol Your score: 10/15 Total 150 points
  18. Skip

    Looking for a 27mhz CB radio with USB/LSB

    I could always ask what he has for you.. Saw he had this beauty listed the other day
  19. Skip

    Looking for a 27mhz CB radio with USB/LSB

    Hey Hornet there's a guy in Launceston Tassie that would have what your after. I know you said you've had bad experiences with interstate but this bloke is pretty good. Not sure his stuff is on eBay, but if you Facebook market place search around Launceston and message him he'll probs help you out.