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Prospecting Australia

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  1. wick p

    So easy to get lost

    I decided to test my direction skills one day while detecting WA and tried to find the car without looking at GPS. Couldn't find the car, turned on GPS. Was about 200 meters from car. I ALWAYS mark car, take 2 GPS spare batteries, hand held radio, Telstra phone, whistle, compass, matches...
  2. wick p

    How can I get phone service in outback WA

    I have an unlocked Samsung phone into which I can put a Telstra Sim. The phone has no antenna socket. What is the most economical way to improve signal. My older phones had a socket to plug an antenna cable in with a 15 ft cable to antenna which I could elevate to get a signal.
  3. wick p

    Trilobite tenements

    What format do u use to display selected WA Leases in Trilobite. I have name of company, have tried lease number but no results.
  4. wick p

    Sound booster for 4500

    Yes thanks for advice.
  5. wick p

    Sound booster for 4500

    I need to buy new headphones as the wiring insulation has perished. Can u recommend which ones will match the Spo1.
  6. wick p

    Sound booster for 4500

    Is the sound booster of any value for a 4500. If so which one and can u use it with headphones or a speaker. I prefer headphones but if a speaker is more efficient will get used to it. Trying to make the most of my 4500 on a pensioner budget.
  7. wick p

    What is this set of sieves used for?

    I was given the set of sieves and apart from the obvious was wondering what it is used for.
  8. wick p

    Plot track to Trilobite?

    No I mean to mark a boundary on Trilobite of a lease or area which is unavailable.
  9. wick p

    Plot track to Trilobite?

    What is the best way to plot an area with a track in Trilobite to make sure that I'm not trespassing on a lease. I have the WA mining software and oziexplorer Google maps & trilobite. Have tried Trilobite instructions but with no success.
  10. wick p

    First Detector Advice

    Don't buy until u have done more research.
  11. wick p

    anyone around Leinster/Banjawarn Station?

    While detecting near Leinster a mate told me to be careful and not go off the tracks if you can help it because of the splinterwood trees. I did a u turn off the track one day & ruined 2 tyres with wall damage. Learned the expensive way. I now carry tools for tyre repairs when in the bush. Found...
  12. wick p

    WA tenements

    Thanks. It's great to find a nugget but the adventure and the bush is an enjoyable experience also. Planning to go next year so have plenty of time to study up on maps etc. It's much better than SA where you almost can't go anywhere with out permission. It took me a month to find my first piece...
  13. wick p

    WA tenements

    I'm planning a WA trip next year but have found so many places covered by existing tenements. Is it still a viable proposition to prospect legally in WA.
  14. wick p

    4500 repairs

    My Minelab 4500 is about 16 years old now & I haven't used it for a long time. The insulation on wiring from head phones has perished and ear padding falling apart, and battery not holding charge. Is there a better sound system than the original? I was thinking about replacing batteries in the...
  15. wick p

    Its been a long time since I have been detecting

    So long that I forgot which model detector I have. Its a 4500 not a 3500. has been in its bag for a long time now with no opportunities to detect for many years. I spent a couple of years looking after a homestead about 100k north of Coolgardie. Started with a 3000 and updated to a new 4500 in...
  16. wick p

    Short Notice Trip Vic to Perth Esperance and Home

    Lived North of Coolgardie for 2 years. WARNING do not let your dog off the lead as 10-80 baits are anywhere and everywhere. It was and probably still is dropped from air. Also by the pastoral lease holders. It can be picked up by crows and dropped anywhere. A horrible death awaits your dog if...
  17. wick p

    GPX 3500 UPGRADE?

    Is there an upgrade for a gpx 3500. hasn't been used for about 15 years. Battery won't charge either. Thinking about another WA trip. Was a good detector back then. How does it compare with current detectors. TIA