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Prospecting Australia

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  1. RedDirtDan

    Rocker box/cradle - fixed or sliding hopper?

    Just backed miners moss and aluminium expanded mesh - catches lots of fine stuff!
  2. RedDirtDan

    Early morning down at 7 Mile Diggings, QLD

    Nah they just outright claimed the work as their own and when I commented they deleted the posts within 10 mins each time.
  3. RedDirtDan

    Rocker box/cradle - fixed or sliding hopper?

    Long time original post, but in the end I just made an aluminium rocker box. Still some bits to evolve on it, but that's the fun! I did make another wooden one, so I guess I have more rockers than arms now!
  4. RedDirtDan

    Early morning down at 7 Mile Diggings, QLD

    Didn't see this until just now - went down yesterday. Probably be going back down in a few weeks I guess. PM me and probably best to link up on Facebook as that's easiest.
  5. RedDirtDan

    Early morning down at 7 Mile Diggings, QLD

    There's lots of camping spots in the area (although you are not supposed to camp there) - but yeah it's right down the bottom area.
  6. RedDirtDan

    Early morning down at 7 Mile Diggings, QLD

    It's not private property - I saw that post (before it was deleted - the OP on that thread took my pics above and claimed them to be theirs).
  7. RedDirtDan

    Rocker box/cradle - fixed or sliding hopper?

    One time I was mucking around and did a drawing/render of a Rockin' Rocker Box - rip the wheels off and rock!
  8. RedDirtDan

    Rocker box/cradle - fixed or sliding hopper?

    Hey all - I'm going to build another rocker box, this time bigger than my last one (had an approx. 8x8" top hopper and 9-10" wide run). So I've started to do all the obligatory searches again, Youtube, on this site, and I've noticed that most now seem to have fixed in place top hoppers, so all...
  9. RedDirtDan

    QLD prospecting Maps

    QLD is a bit different to southern states - there are only a handful of official areas and nearly everywhere else is private permission or paid access (as a general rule). - Durakai GPA (Warwick) - Talgai GPA (Warwick) - Thanes Creek GPA (Warwick), mostly creek gold - Deep Creek GPA (Gympie)...
  10. RedDirtDan

    Brovinia (Munduberra), QLD - new prospecting property starting up

    This popped up yesterday - a cattle property near Munduberra, QLD has started to allow prospectors onto the property. The pricing suggests it's more of a premium experience, hopefully we'll get some feedback on it. Not sure if its a public link from Facebook. I have no affiliation but...
  11. RedDirtDan

    Early morning down at 7 Mile Diggings, QLD

    Final clean-up - little picker (kinda....)! Total for the day - 0.54g from about 135L of dirt. 4 grams/m3 - time to bring in the excavator and wash plant 🤣🤣🤣
  12. RedDirtDan

    Early morning down at 7 Mile Diggings, QLD

    Been lurking around on the site for quite a while, so I figured I'd throw up some pics of my most recent trip down to 7 Mile Diggings near Nanango, QLD. I built a small rocker box some time ago and figured I'd give it a whirl - 7 Mile is traditionally a dry creek system, but the last few years...