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Prospecting Australia

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  1. limpalot

    Gpz 7000 plus many coils for sale

    Sad that it has come back so hard again. Best of luck with the fight. :Y:
  2. limpalot

    Gear for sale due to medical reasons.

    Sad to hear your health has taken away the fun things . Hope your recovery is quick, and there are always people here to help with a day out in the bush. Keep us in the loop.
  3. limpalot

    Monga State Conservation Area Draft Plan of Management open to comment

    Detecting is cleaning up the crap from past generations of forest users, and present day oxygen thieves rubish. The bonus is camping out for the weekend, and maybe a bit of colour.
  4. limpalot

    Slight misadventure

    Hope things go OK Pat.Be bloody sore for a while.
  5. limpalot

    Victoria finally introducing can/bottle recycling

    Have to make sure the bar code is readable by the machine, or it spits it back out.
  6. limpalot

    Victoria finally introducing can/bottle recycling

    Look at the time frame; 2023, May happen.
  7. limpalot

    Minelab GPX4500 tips, settings, questions

    Hi Pat, do you set your detector up , then plug in and switch the Spo1 on to boost the signal? I did this the other day and run the Threshold down very low, plugged in the Spo1 and boosted the signal; very smooth signal, except for the odd emi spike.
  8. limpalot

    ⭐ Gold Detecting Show'n Tell

    Well done Bjay, keep them coming. :goldnugget: :Y:
  9. limpalot

    ⭐ Gold Detecting Show'n Tell

    Got out for a couple of hours today, 0.36g on a bull ant nest. First time out this year, on the board for 2020.
  10. limpalot

    A winter friend

    My perch is now a big branch, and hardwood too. Words so true. :Y: :rainbow: :beer: :goldnugget:
  11. limpalot

    General National Weather advice and information

    One am this morning and 31 deg under the verandah, couldn't sleep so went for a swim in the pool to get cool. :fire:
  12. limpalot

    What would you do ?

    To many hands , think of all the paper he is going to use. :Y:
  13. limpalot

    Turbopan information and questions

    The fastest pan I have seen and used is the Quanta Speed Pan. Made from fibreglass, so you have to classify and be careful not to chip the riffles.
  14. limpalot

    If you've met my Wife...

    Great to have some good news and some light at the end of the tunnel Pat, Love to bridget.
  15. limpalot

    Today I BOUGHT

    Timber makes good handles too. I have one about 35 years old, 7m high.
  16. limpalot

    What are YOU doing right NOW

    Fueling and checking pumps, just incase the dry lightening hits us.
  17. limpalot

    What are YOU doing right NOW

    Looks like you have 2 customers. :Y:
  18. limpalot

    What are YOU doing right NOW

    Hope you have some dettol to wash the langage off. :Y:
  19. limpalot

    looking to buy GPX 4500

    I have a 2008 , 4500; it is fantastic. I bought it second hand; I have found small gold down to 0.05 at around 40 mm. Very smooth compared to some other 4500. The newer coils make this machine even better. :Y:
  20. limpalot

    Wanted crevice pump

    Try steel washers with 2-3 thong washers in between. I used some shocker washers, big area and small hole. You have to wear it in a bit. I have valves on mine so I can pump into the sluice. Used the outlet of a sink, cut it down and used some 1mm rubber for the flange. Bolt in the middle...