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Prospecting Australia

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  1. Flash Jack

    Syd-Hob yacht search

    I think Maritime Law has more wack than Aboriginal law. Especially on the water.
  2. Flash Jack

    Request to ban leather goods.

    The Woke have no bloody idea. All ideology and no reality.
  3. Flash Jack

    Today I COOKED.

    Habaneros are from 100,000 to 350,000 on the Scoville scale. That's fairly f'kn warm. Good luck! 😅
  4. Flash Jack

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year all, and let's hope it's a good one!
  5. Flash Jack

    Just got a faciting machine, time to learn

    Don't know if you've seen him or not, but I've been watching Justin K Primm videos recently. I'm certainly no lapidary but he appears to know what he's talking about. He also has a book out.
  6. Flash Jack

    🎄Merry Christmas / Xmas!

    Merry Christmas everyone! And a Happy New Year!
  7. Flash Jack

    Whinge of the day thread...

    Because it's bloody Telstra!
  8. Flash Jack

    Electrical advice please

    Start capacitor?
  9. Flash Jack

    Whinge of the day thread...

    Yeah same here. Don't do Telstra either.
  10. Flash Jack

    Alternatives to a cat ?

    I reckon a rock would be a better choice than a cat. It's smaller, doesn't eat anything, won't scratch you, and if your house catches fire it won't desert you, like a cat would.
  11. Flash Jack

    Ancient Words

    Education is man's graduation from cocksure ignorance to thoughtful uncertainty.
  12. Flash Jack

    Today Is

    You're right Mackka, but this movie is really an Anti-war film. It shows the view from an ordinary German's position. Not much different from our side at the time really. All King and Country stuff.
  13. Flash Jack

    Today Is

    Yes! Watched it last week. Excellent film. Very moving.
  14. Flash Jack

    Looking at buying a Hybrid SUV petrol battery,

    It certainly is long and tedious Mackka. And then you have to deal with the salesman......sorry, salesperson...aaww, you know what I mean.
  15. Flash Jack

    Whinge of the day thread...

    Just got an email from Mygov telling me that I am owed 198.92 AUD. All I had to do was click on the link and fill out the form. Hmm, the email started by addressing me as "Dear Customer", the sentance was grammaticaly incorrect, there was no $ sign infront of the amount and it had AUD after it...
  16. Flash Jack

    Whinge of the day thread...

    A halfpenny bunger turned upside down and bunged into a good sized rocket made THE MOST ENORMOUS NOISE on a still, cold and quiet night in Bonbeach, Victoria about 53 years ago!
  17. Flash Jack

    Spreadsheets for Newbies... are any available to look at, and if so, where?

    ..and yet he can still post? Or has he just called himself that?
  18. Flash Jack

    Who else is scared (terrified) of dentists?

    As a mate said to me one time. Teeth are a pain to get, a pain to keep and a pain to lose.
  19. Flash Jack

    Victoria's last goldrush

    Interesting graph. The bulges of the 1890 and 1930 depressions are obvious. A 2000 to 2050 graph would be even more interesting!
  20. Flash Jack

    Living with Electric Vehicles

    I worked for a company that converted petrol cars to full electric. It wasn't a bad place to work but I am in no hurry to buy an electric vehicle. Until the range/recharge problems are sorted out I'll stick to petrol.