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Prospecting Australia

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  1. Hawkear

    Quote Of The Day

    Modern take on an old saying. “Do not criticise others unless you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” Then when you do and they want to come after you to smash your head in, you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
  2. Hawkear

    Noob from Aspendale

    A few thoughts. Not knocking the Nox, but I don’t think it would handle mineralised ground as well as a dedicated ground cancelling PI detector. I remember when I last had a VLF machine and to get the best depth you had to turn off the discrimination mode and go into all metal mode. I don’t know...
  3. Hawkear

    Amateur rock hound needs ID help (diamonds?)

    Hi Em. Some pictures shouldn’t be too hard to post. Would help others to help you.
  4. Hawkear

    What are YOU doing right NOW

    Lunch today.
  5. Hawkear

    Nice to meet you. I'm a noob in Vic. :)

    The luckiest thing you will find, is a lifelong interest and challenge that will last you your entire life. Hoping you also have some luck in finding some gold and gemstones along the way.
  6. Hawkear

    What Made You Smile Today

    It was near freezing here this morning in Highton. My wife asked me what a couple of buttons on the dash of my one year old Izuzu was for. I had no idea so I said just push it. Turned out to be the electric seat and lower back warmer. Northern members you will not understand.
  7. Hawkear

    What is this specimen worth please?

    Hi Davo85. Have you managed to be able to do a SG test yet. Lots here interested and waiting to see the result? The weight of gold contained is really the base line for any valuation.
  8. Hawkear

    Whinge of the day thread...

    Man fishing off Frankston pier allegedly stabbed by a complete stranger. What is society coming to? And also, why do our media ***** foot around weaseling out of telling it the way it really is? "Allegedly"???? The man is dead of stab wounds for god's sake.
  9. Hawkear

    What is this specimen worth please?

    Using acid risks deglazing any natural sheen and at worst risks dissolving the binding ironstone for the enclosed “nuggetty” gold to fall into pieces. Selling as a specimen involves a buyer knowing how much gold it contains so you have no choice but to learn how to do a SG test. It is quite easy...
  10. Hawkear

    Today Is

    Today is about a quarter of one second longer than yesterday and tomorrow there will be another quarter of a second more daylight. Gotta get out there with my detector and use that extra time to pull in lots more nuggets.
  11. Hawkear

    Which prospecting metal detector to begin with?

    Unless you are a relatively experienced prospector, a 2300. Saw one advertised in Perth with an additional coil for just $2200 just before posting this. If you can’t find gold with a 2300, not worth you buying anything more expensive. If you do find gold and want something more expensive the...
  12. Hawkear

    Today I BOUGHT

    I had the same issue when I wanted to make My first purchase. I googled how to get free shipping from Temu and it was suggested I go into their chat mode and just ask for free shipping on the item I was interested in. I did that once and it worked but now unless it is something that I would...
  13. Hawkear

    Today I BOUGHT

    Not a silly question at all Macca. I purchased a 6000 (ostensibly for my wife) from our local dealer Lucky Strike Geelong late last year. Got a good bundle deal from them and they helped me with a glitch that required the unit to be sent back to Minelab. Secretly envious of "my wife's" 6000, I...
  14. Hawkear

    Today I BOUGHT

    Unless otherwise stated Temu apply shipping charges at checkout. I usually put things in my cart until I have $40 worth and then Temu bundle the items together and waive the shipping charge. Shipping time is usually very fast considering it comes from OS. I also pay the $49 a year for EBay plus...
  15. Hawkear

    Today I BOUGHT

    Received some prospecting presents from Temu today. Stainless steel gravel sieve $19 Carabiner watch to stop me mangling the band on my other watch when I shove it in my pocket $9 Clip on loupe $3 Crevicing tool, actually described as a weeding tool, but I think it will do the job $7
  16. Hawkear

    Getting started in gold prospecting

    Bob. There are four main ways that gold is recovered. Wet washing, Dry washing, detecting and hard rock. To start out detecting, dry washing or hard rock mining. Requires any or all of detailed knowledge, experience or a leap faith into fairly expensive gear. You can start out wet washing with a...
  17. Hawkear

    need help

    Weigh it and then tie a bit of cotton to it and dunk it fully without touching the sides of a cup of water sitting on some scales. Read how much the weight shown on the scales increases and divide that into the original weight. That will be its specific gravity (SG). Just look up the table of...
  18. Hawkear

    Rock and Mineral Apps

    I would be careful about paying for an app for this. Usually the app will require you to take a picture of the specimen and upload it for an ID. The problem with rocks and minerals is that they have greatly overlapping colours, habits and morphologies and just identifying from photos is very...
  19. Hawkear

    Quote Of The Day

    "Tell people there is an invisible man in the sky who created the whole universe and people will believe it. Tell people the paint is wet and they will touch it to check if that is true." George Carlin
  20. Hawkear

    New to prospecting - EQ800 vs Legend?

    With your lifestyle involving camping, fishing, shooting etc sounds like you like to get away from civilization and into the “wilds” so to speak. In that sort of environment I suggest a competent PI gold detector would be your best bet. A used 2300 would be be well within your $3K budget capable...