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Prospecting Australia

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  1. S

    Manners in the bush.

    Mate, it reminds me of when the missus and I were on our honeymoon on Fitzroy Island NQ. Walked around the point pushed our way through some jungle down onto a little sandy beach between big granite boulders for a spot of snorkelling and you know what. A couple of hours later, a young pommie...
  2. S

    the today I was stupid thread

    We don't get smarter as we get older, we just run out of stupid things to do!
  3. S

    Object found by SDC2300 but what is it?

    Thanks for that bc. I suppose that kind of work is a lost art.
  4. S

    Object found by SDC2300 but what is it?

    The missus got sick of carrying my pick, and after a lot of deliberation it was decided that an SDC2300 would be the answer. Off to the Whipstick and away she went, picking up all manner of things in the junk category, including the item in the picture. Some kind of awl perhaps. Appears to be...