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Prospecting Australia

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  1. Skip

    How you going in this Heat

    I'm always busy Megsy, just having some lunch now under a tree. I've always wondered where historical weather was recorded and how. I read farmers just took their own readings. I'm not much of a believer in climate change as I think it's the cycle of the planet just doing it's thing. I also...
  2. Skip

    Visit to Australia

    Hi John welcome! Hope you like hot weather because lately most of Aus is copping bit of a heat wave. Normally hot temps linger around for a few days, but this heat has turned into weeks. 113 Fahrenheit is forecast for alot of southern Aus and I'm sure it's hotter in outback regions. :sunny...
  3. Skip

    today i went fishing and caught

    Yeah they are super inquisitive. I love watching doco's on them. Regards the pic , I stuck the go-pro underwater as I reeled him passed the boat. Turned out a cool shot!
  4. Skip

    How you going in this Heat

    45 forecast in Albury today. And there was a mini twister earlier this week bringing down all those dried out trees wishfull was talking about. I got the neighbours wattle straight through my shed and side of the house into the bedroom. :poop: I hate the heat and wind and dry weather and...
  5. Skip

    My New Fridge

    I guess money is a contributing factor and space would be another. I mainly travel light, but if I were to do a long trip around Aus I'd get set up with a 70L Fridges are like sheds,, you soon fill them with stuff!
  6. Skip

    My New Fridge

    Sounds pretty good. I've recently bought an Aldi 41L fridge $350 on sale. Had it going none stop for 3 weeks in temps 24-43 degrees and it sat on -3 the whole time. Im happy with that.
  7. Skip

    New member on the Murray

    Hi bud welcome. I was out on the Murray around Echuca the other week and noticed some diggings. Further inspection I noticed diggings in many places around that area. As for the heat.. i hate it too and I'm not going for a swing till it cools off.
  8. Skip

    today i went fishing and caught

    I got a few squid on Sunday. Love em!
  9. Skip

    Bondi Beach Christmas woes.

    Has anyone tried a 5000 on relic mode and gone for coins? I live close to Cronulla and thinking about having a go
  10. Skip

    Total beginner and new to forum

    Hi mate, sounds like you're off to a good start. Unfortunately I can't offer any real words of wisdom as I don't detect on sand. I guess over time you'll learn the sounds, but as many on here have said ' dig em all '
  11. Skip

    Buying A GPX5000 (very excited!)

    Let us know how you go :)
  12. Skip

    Advice on GPS units

    The 66 doesn't require a subscription to bird's eye. It has a sharper screen than the older models (by far) also improved visibility in direct sunlight. As good as these devices are, one should always carry a paper map as a back up. I still use a paper toppo and hi res image for cross check.
  13. Skip

    Advice on GPS units

    New garmin map 66st. Google overlays. Best I've seen
  14. Skip

    Mogo area N.S.W. information and questions

    Hi mate I've been to Mogo a bit. Very hard to detect there. To much overburden. Take your pan, the creeks should have enough water. Try both sides of the hwy.
  15. Skip

    How you going in this Heat

    So what's classified as a heat record? Does it have to be recognized by a weather station? You know we hear of climate change , global warming ect.. I reckon it's a load of :poop: Cause if you look back in time you find similar occurrences 100years ago. So it happened then,, were the old...
  16. Skip

    First run with my new Gold Rat

    Nice! I was also on the Shoalhaven river on Saturday near Braidwood. Had a quick pan, 2 specks , bloody hot. Put the pan away and went for a swim. We packed up and ventured down to Areluan. Took a couple of newbies and we mannaged to find a little bit of yellow. They were stoked and want to go...
  17. Skip

    Buying A GPX5000 (very excited!)

    I see they have a gpx 5000 for $5300 with 3 coils and a pin pointer. Good value! You'll love it!
  18. Skip

    Spare a Thought for Tibbooburra..Very Hot..

    I've also heard you need to take an air commpressor to blow the flies from your air filter. The build up of flies literally stopped a Hilux dead in its tracks.
  19. Skip

    Has The Golden Triangle All Been Detected Thoroughly?

    Well atm I'm not so sure the tech has gotten better. Few bells and whistles with new machines. I had a 2200d with a 14dd coiltek with booster. Now I've got a 5000 with multiple coils and none of the new coils on the 5000 punch deeper or give a sharper signal than the old 22 when tested on a .5...
  20. Skip

    Most Powerful Metal Detector?

    I'll have to second that. I used to have a 2200d in absolute mint condition. It did miss sub gramers under .5 but man did it punch deep even with a dd.