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Prospecting Australia

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  1. G

    Gold in rounded/waterworn rocks

    Hi Billy, I have found some flat specks in the same type of ground, up on a hill above a creek with rounded quartz rocks in the mix, I got 2 more buckets to pan. If your finding some in the dirt I would keep going. Much easier than crushing the round quartz especially if they don't have much...
  2. G

    Panning concentrates

    Thanks for the info, il try it out. The clay was originally sieved through 1/4 and 1/8 sieves as I was checking for sapphires first. Then I left the c Sieved clay in water over night in a bucket. But then I panned it straight away. I should of washed it down further before panning.
  3. G

    Panning concentrates

    Hi All, Can anybody tell me what is easier and faster to use than a pan when panning concentrates taken from clay ground? I have soaked the cons but its still pasty and time consuming when panning. My pan is a Garrett super sluicer. Is it quicker and better to run my cons through a blue bowl or...
  4. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Hi Prospecter B, I had a look at that link, it was really informative, most of my rocks have that yellow staining but no visible gold. I'm not going to bother looking for microscopic gold as its too much trouble.Better to be like the old timers and go for the visible bits if your're a one man...
  5. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Hi Merry, Thanks ,I'm getting me one of those pots as well. The gold test kits is a good idea. With all those colours there's a good chance of gold ore. :) Golddredge, many of my rocks have black streaks as well as rose colours I'm them. Can't wait to get down deeper into the veins. Thanks
  6. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Hello Merry, Just wondering how small do you get your rocks down to before you put them in the crusher? I'm thinking of getting one for myself. :)
  7. G

    Raining out your way?

    Hi Beep, We're the creeks flowing at mudgee? Thinking of coming up for some panning.
  8. G

    Hill End / Hargraves water situation

    Thanks guys, I might leave it for a couple of weeks , maybe some more rain will come and fill up the holes more, I might get another 10 meters of hose as well. Thanks again.
  9. G

    Hill End / Hargraves water situation

    Hi Guys, I'm new to prospecting and am looking forward to using my high banker. Are there any spots in HillEnd that is Crown Land ,to use my high banker by a creek? At this stage il be happy to get a couple of specs of the yellow stuff just to get the ball rolling. Thanks galena
  10. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Oh by the way nice dolly pot Merry, your husband should start making some to sell ;)
  11. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Hi Merry, Just got back home from a weekend at my place, I found another vein that has been dug into before with broken rocks lying around. It looks interesting, most of the rocks have yellow colouring in them, so guess what? I have more rocks to add to my collection to crush, lol, I've marked...
  12. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Hi Paydirt, You mean someone can have a lease on my place without me knowing it??? How do I check that out?
  13. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Oh I forgot mention, the maps get overlaid on google earth if you have it installed on your computer, it's pretty cool.
  14. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Wow 1000 acres is huge, be carefully out there with the four wheeler. Lol I'm the same, I carry as much as I can in two buckets down gully's in goat country and frequently land on my back side with all the samples going every where, I might take less samples next time,
  15. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Hi trashmagnet, That would be easier and cheaper , Thanks il look into the test kit
  16. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Hi Merry, Yeah I found an excellent map on the Mineral deposit maps site, I think it was. They have maps for all of NSW showing previous mine sites and what minerals are found in that area ,as we'll as fault lines. It shows a fault line only place but I yet have investigate that area. Il give...
  17. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Hi Merry, Ok I'll keep the rocks as I pick them out of the ground,for the essay. I'm interested in who you find to essay your rocks. At the moment I'm crushing them at home in my camp oven,lol with a sledge hammer. On a tarp so I don't miss the bits that fly out. I will probably order one of...
  18. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Thank dwt, Il try that as soon as I get the quartz to a fine powder, Il have to roll up my sleeves and start crushing, Cheers Galena.
  19. G

    Gold bearing quartz

    Hi guys, I'm new to prospecting and just wondering if anybody has knowledge to gold in quartz. I have a lot of quartz veins sticking out of the ground , but it's a lot of dull grey veins and sometimes dark grey shiny spots in it. I've been told it's Galena,( hence my username). Some quartz has...