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Prospecting Australia

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  1. OzzieAu

    Whites Spp Coil Question

    Why do you want such a big coil as this 18” Detech mono. You will find this coil is very heavy on the SPP detector and it will feel unbalanced. If you need to go for deep targets, then the 18” Detech concentric coil would be a better option. It is an open design, so much lighter. The SPP would...
  2. OzzieAu

    My first trip to the Vic GT

    Hey BD, I’ve not heard of that soil regulation crossing between SA and Vic. There’s never been any border checks when I’ve travelled over.
  3. OzzieAu

    Tibooburra gold

    Yes it certainly is John, sometimes it all comes down to where you pull up the car to get the detector out up there.
  4. OzzieAu

    Only charged with one count of robbery?

    They may as well print licences saying ‘High on Drugs’ Social justice is going down the drain....:mad:
  5. OzzieAu

    OzzieAu's Recent local finds

    The site I found this button in dates from 1839. It was the first government surveyors hut built to survey a country town location. I’m thinking like you, its a rare early, limited production example.
  6. OzzieAu

    OzzieAu's Recent local finds

    Mad curiosity ! It actually rubs off and a bit of H2O2 and it’s old again.
  7. OzzieAu

    OzzieAu's Recent local finds

    I think this button pre dates any war that the Australian army was involved in..... This cunning little fox is certainly a mystery maker.🦊 Anyway, I got to work on the backmark with a metallic quillters pencil to see if I could bring out some more detail. I now think I can see 4 distinct...
  8. OzzieAu

    OzzieAu's Recent local finds

    Thanks Megsy..... you’re a forensic supersleuth 👀 Definitely some further avenues to investigate. I know what ur saying about button image overload 🤪 Guys, I think sand / soda / bead blasting may just erase the remaining detail on this fragile artifact.
  9. OzzieAu

    OzzieAu's Recent local finds

    I’ve drawn a dead end with this button.... I can’t ID it after looking at thousands of pics. This is the best I can do with the feint backmark. It appears to have lettering around the eyelet. Definitely crossed swords and crown also.
  10. OzzieAu

    OzzieAu's Recent local finds

    Thanks for your input Megsy, much appreciated. This button came from the same site that I found the mid 1800’s fire mark button. So it’s pretty likely it dates from the same period. I will attempt to get the backmark more...
  11. OzzieAu

    Gold and hints to help you find it !

    Couldn’t agree more mate...👍
  12. OzzieAu

    The Good News thread

    As this thread is for good news announcements.... My youngest daughter (26) and her partner closed the deal today on their first home purchase after being on the rental merry go round for a few years. To say I am happy for them, (and relieved) is an understatement as I know how difficult it is...
  13. OzzieAu

    The Good News thread

    That’s definitely a good news day story Geoff and I know how joyous it is when you get a positive result after those checkups, as I have found with my own dealings with the big C. No doubt you’ll celebrate with some of that single malt tonight.
  14. OzzieAu

    OzzieAu's Recent local finds

    This is what the cleanup table looks like when the finds bag is emptied after a day out on the hunt...😲 Then comes choosing the interesting bits for the cleanup shots... All good fun.👍 I reckon I had one of these cap guns as a kid.
  15. OzzieAu

    What is this??

    That’s their ring problem solved right there..:oops:
  16. OzzieAu

    OzzieAu's Recent local finds

    Here’s the reply from the Hammond-Turner button museum. Hi Adrian, Thank you for contacting me through my website. That's an interesting button. It is a hunt button and shows a dog with a dead bird in its mouth, as I'm sure you've worked out. It doesn't look like any of the hunt buttons I own...
  17. OzzieAu

    What is this??

    We need to know what metal it is... is it steel, brass, alloyed? If it has any iron content, then probably an ordinary draw/door pull.
  18. OzzieAu

    Hi from Alice Springs

    Welcome to PA Johnny... that’s a nice little water worn nuggy to start you off, and at 15 cm. deep you have got the 5000 dialled in pretty well I’d say. What coil are you using? I’m from Adelaide and been up to Arltunga once, but didn’t do any good that time as the grass was too high in most of...
  19. OzzieAu

    OzzieAu's Recent local finds

    Thanks for that Wiley, I’ve sent them a pic of the button to see if they can ID it.👍 Cheers mate.
  20. OzzieAu

    OzzieAu's Recent local finds

    Back out today and visited a couple of my go to spots. Some brass furniture bits and pieces First penny for awhile This ripper button came from a much older site... I would love to ID it to verify its age. It’s got some makers mark on the back, but it’s very feint..... some Googling...