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Prospecting Australia

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  1. OzzieAu

    For Sale Coil collection

    Can you give us a list of the sizes there.... is the spoked Nugget Finder a 14x9 Evo by chance?
  2. OzzieAu


    Well, I did a few air test swings over some of the lead shot sitting on my mild backyard soil. I was in the fine gold setting. The shot ranges in weight from 0.1 to 0.5 gms. The smallest wouldn't ID at all, but over say 0.3 pretty much all registered 00 with the exception of the only Iron one on...
  3. OzzieAu


    Well all my squat exercises came in handy after getting up and down to recover all this bird shot in the Vic. Goldfield this week. I can tell you that the E1500 loves the stuff and will definitely hear the tiny ones missed by others. My first gold with the Algo was a welcome sight in the scoop...
  4. OzzieAu

    Tibooburra Gold.....a beginners "El Dorado."

    You can camp on the gold at Mt. Stuart or Gumvale station for around $15 a day. So if you have a solar rechargeable power supply, food and water and camping gear, then go for it. Just don’t get lost......
  5. OzzieAu

    For Sale Gold nuggets from the Golden Triangle for sale.

    I reckon they are these from a previous post of Wiley’s This one
  6. OzzieAu

    Heritage Laws in Victoria being used against metal detectorists

    Here’s the latest update to this very important issue. Please have a read and consider having input if you feel so inclined...
  7. OzzieAu

    How much would you pay for a bull ant?

    I would pay $100 for the f#¥§ing bull ant that stung me just so I could squash the mother f#@&%er......
  8. OzzieAu

    Thinking it’s Worth a dig

    Have a read of this old post which mentions gold found in dacite porphyry associated with volcanic activity..... interesting. Seeing there is well worn quartz there, no harm in running a good gold detector over the...
  9. OzzieAu

    Boots for Prospecting, Hiking, Detecting information and questions

    Have to agree there Nenad.... these Keens of mine have stood up pretty well so far. I have the Targhee III shoe with no metal at all and the boot which has the top metal lace grabber. No problems with hearing that while swinging.
  10. OzzieAu

    Scum bags

    Sorry for your loss mate. Karma will get those bastards .
  11. OzzieAu

    Aust. Geology/Tribolite Solutions

    Thanks H79.... I did try that earlier but it didn’t work. Just went back and had another go, and bingo, I’ve got that layer back up. Must be working in slow mo or something?
  12. OzzieAu

    Aust. Geology/Tribolite Solutions

    Same here Teemore.... I can’t seem to find the map overlay for shallow workings/leads on Vic gold map since I last visited the app.... couple of months I suppose. All I can get are the dot locations of the relevant diggings.
  13. OzzieAu

    GPX 5000 coils

    All these are great sensitive coils for the 5000. NF 8x6 Sadie (Advantage) mono NF 12x8 Evolution mono Coiltek 9” Elite round mono Detech 8” round mono Whether they equal the performance of the 6000 obviously would depend on the makeup of the gold; I.E. solid, prickly, specimen etc.
  14. OzzieAu

    Sand scoop recommendations

    I use one of these.... Scoopal. PhaseTech on here has them on special atm. Put your own handle of choice on.
  15. OzzieAu

    Please help me restore this vesta

    It could be imitation gold leaf gilded, so the gilt would have tarnished and any abrasive cleaning action will more than likely remove whatever is left. Use a very soft brush or cloth with a solution of mild detergent and ammonia to gently clean it to remove any dirt and oxidation. When dry...
  16. OzzieAu

    old handle

    Kettle or old clothes iron handle
  17. OzzieAu

    Heritage Laws in Victoria being used against metal detectorists

    Here’s the latest update from Luke if you haven’t seen it. Sign that petition folks....
  18. OzzieAu

    Heritage Laws in Victoria being used against metal detectorists

    Common sense you won’t find in any University curriculum..🎓
  19. OzzieAu


    XLOOX: I understand why you would think that because that retaining lip doesn’t quite do the job 100% if the battery pack hasn’t got a perfect right angle edge. As you can see my battery has chamfered edges which tend to let the battery want to slide over that shortish stop lip. I’m sure these...
  20. OzzieAu


    Thanks John, good to see you still around the place.... be nice to catch up again that’s for sure. My detector club is planning a trip over around Easter, so there’s a chance. Btw.... is the old gang still having their shindigs at Amherst..?