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Prospecting Australia

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  1. Davent

    Military Exercises

    I was company sig on a battalion exercise in about 1987, and my OC and CSM were calling in live fire from an Iraquois. The OC told me,"this will probably be the only chance you ever get to do this, so adjust the fire onto the target" he was right, it was the only time I ever got to adjust live...
  2. Davent

    Detecting bigger gold in NSW...."Alluvial" vs "Eluvial"

    I'm talking about detectable gold, 1 small part of that belt. Of course there are other areas where detectable gold is , and there is no granite there at all. And I have found plenty not on that belt shown on your graphic. I'm not questioning your knowledge. And I thank you for sharing it...
  3. Davent

    Detecting bigger gold in NSW...."Alluvial" vs "Eluvial"

    Pine Creek, Mount Todd, Cosmo are all quite a long way from Grove hill. But yep, you are correct, no gold in the granite at all, but i also agree, that i have found some really good stuff within 1 km of the granite. I would also agree with moneybox, that sometimes Geos are wrong when it comes to...
  4. Davent

    Detecting bigger gold in NSW...."Alluvial" vs "Eluvial"

    Funny that. An old prospector, well known for finding deposits, whacking an EL on it, then selling the EL to big companies for good $, told me that ALL the gold in the GROVE HILL area, was within 1km of the granite......he even has a mine named after him, Langleys.
  5. Davent

    Fossicking for a better future, Tennant Creek NT, ABC Back Roads

    Did a little bar work in a remote community in the NT about 20 years ago. Aboriginal bloke came to me ask for a mixed drink. (Mix drink). I asked what kind of mixed drink he would like....he looked at me funny.....I asked "rum and coke?" he said," mix drink!" I was a little confused......he...
  6. Davent

    Detecting bigger gold in NSW...."Alluvial" vs "Eluvial"

    We hear about the big nuggets found in Vic and WA, but what about the other states? Have any significant nuggets turned up in NSW or Qld in recent years? I know some good ones have been found in the NT, Tanami and other areas.
  7. Davent

    Fossicking for a better future, Tennant Creek NT, ABC Back Roads

    Jimmy is a Legend in the NT prospecting scene. If you are prospecting around TC and find 4 bits of quartz with a 5th bit on top, Jimmy found a nugget there. And he dosnt miss much!
  8. Davent

    Whinge of the day thread...

    Whinge time....face book post by my mate, showing hos house and land flooding. I commented time to blow up your dingy....result, banned for inciting violence, against community standards....this is what we have to look forward to, artificial intelligence, that just recognises phrases or words...
  9. Davent

    Snake sightings, encounters and reminders.

    I dont think fags will kill her....maybe dress her up a bit better though and gossip a bit about her...
  10. Davent

    Whinge of the day thread...

    Sadly, some the biggest Aboriginal communities are the prisons. The elders are not listened to much any more. A lot of the elders have grown fat on royalty money, that doesn't always filter down to the chain in a fair way...
  11. Davent

    ⭐ Gold Detecting Show'n Tell

    1st swing with the 10x5 goldhawk. I got lots of ground noise groans and also spots that almost sounded like targets....maybe it's worth taking a sample of those home to pan out....anyway, the little coil is more about being able to poke around and through long grass, just to clean out the cabin...
  12. Davent

    Whinge of the day thread...

    Often in these communities, there are no jobs and never will be any jobs. In town however, there are. The will to relocate to town is not there, but the will to visit town, to party
  13. Davent

    ⭐ Gold Detecting Show'n Tell

    1st gold for 2023 for me.
  14. Davent

    Coiltek Goldhawk 10x5 Review

    Ok, Les,ya talked me into it, I went and got one. Like you, I find it to be a great little coil. Much more stable than the 11" and easy to poke around in long grass. Good little coil for our wet season up here. Got 3 little speccies in a flogged out patch today, very small amount of gold.
  15. Davent

    Whinge of the day thread...

    This not a whinge. I'm posting this to open some minds. It's a modern dreamlike story, and really, should be read in schools, along with quite a few other stories, that helps to understand some of the cultures we have here in this nation. It was written(or told) during the Whitlam years, and is...
  16. Davent

    Whinge of the day thread...

    It wouldn't be whistleblowing at all. Its not a corruption thing, its a problem that some people have some good ideas on how to make it better, but better wouldn't be good enough, and the barriers to cross to make it happen would be almost impossible. Then there would be those who would jump on...
  17. Davent

    Whinge of the day thread...

    While I agree about education, its not working! The way education and programs are being run in my work place is showing to be not much other than being seen to attempt to change behaviour. The change has to come from the communities. I could write pages of things I have seen here in the Top...
  18. Davent

    Whinge of the day thread...

    I'm positive I have cabin fever! Cantvwait to get out again
  19. Davent

    Whinge of the day thread...

    Terrible stuff, and I have personally dealt with the issue you have highlighted. Would appreciate if you delete my quote, my job dosnt like me speaking freely, although sometimes I find it a good way to unload.
  20. Davent

    Whinge of the day thread...

    Yes mate, all those figures are absolutely tragic and disgraceful, and no one has any answers. It's really only being spoken about now in a low voice, it was whispers before... everyone blames each other, and we'll meaning people create divide by tying to say the nice things rather than the truth.