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Prospecting Australia

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  1. Davent

    Minelab GPX6000 coil issues

  2. Davent

    Minelab GPX6000 coil issues

    Just in case anyone is wondering what the innards of a gpx 6k 11" looks like.....the only things I can see that could move are a couple of exposed , very thin bits of copper wire, apart from that, the coils look very well made.
  3. Davent

    Minelab GPX6000 coil issues

  4. Davent

    Minelab GPX6000 coil issues

  5. Davent

    Minelab GPX6000 coil issues

    Took the coil back to my local today, I filmed how touch sensitive it was, and Mick (top end prospecting) forwarded the clip to minelab. They replaced the coil on the spot, so again, can't complain about minelabs service, and Mick does a great job. However, how long will this one last?
  6. Davent

    Minelab GPX6000 coil issues

    I bought the 10 x 5 some time ago, as a cleaner and tight places. I continued the 11" for general prospecting. The 14 x 9 would suit me for sure. I was going to get a 17" minelab coil, but I will give it a big miss now. I bought the 6k purely as a patch hunter and possibly a wet season machine...
  7. Davent

    Minelab GPX6000 coil issues

    This is my 2nd one. Used 3 times, maybe a total of 10 hours. I don't bash my gear, it sits on the back seat when travelling, with my zed, which has never had a problem. This is the 1st problem I have ever had with any detector I have ever owned, and it's the first detector that i have brought...
  8. Davent

    Minelab GPX6000 coil issues

    I'm actually at the point now where I don't really want another minelab coil, I would prefer they refund me the cost of an 11" coil and I'll buy a coiltek or nuggetfinder as a replacement. And minelab have the hide to chip their coils so after market coils are difficult to make and more...
  9. Davent

    Minelab GPX6000 coil issues

    Yeah because you have piece of mind that they will at least work! My 2nd minelab 11" coil became touch sensitive today. Was running beautifully, then all of a sudden, useless. Pack up and go home with the shits. For an $8 k machine, they got the coil wrong, cheap and nasty shit box coils.
  10. Davent

    General National Weather advice and information

    To be honest, I would love to get down to some snow soon, I try and get into some cold weather every other year. Saw it was -11 somewhere! I don't recall ever being in anything quite that cool though.
  11. Davent

    General National Weather advice and information

    21! Nice, that was our overnight low. 31 here today.
  12. Davent

    ⭐ Gold Detecting Show'n Tell

    Dusted the machine off, very slow day.
  13. Davent

    Has The Golden Triangle All Been Detected Thoroughly?

    Point #1 = success. When the big rushes were on, there were people working "poor" ground. When news of a big finds got to them, they packed up headed for the rush. There were wars inbetween, and a lot of that "poor" ground didn't get worked again. It's probably not good enough for the big...
  14. Davent

    Black shiny rock

    I was in a pit full of the stuff last weekend, no signals at all.
  15. Davent

    Black shiny rock

    Looks like tin mate, but just as bigger average size. Casiterite or something like that.
  16. Davent

    GPX6000 Faults/Issues

    Could that mean they suspect that the machine is killing your coils?
  17. Davent

    What Car, what brands do you trust for the Outback?

    I dunno about that, my hilux is an ex mine vehicle, got it with 58K on the clock, and now has @ 200K. I have done the timing belt and injectors, replaced 2 sets of tyres and a couple of batteries, most reliable car I have ever had, was a bit rough inside, but its a prospecting fishing...
  18. Davent

    Snake sightings, encounters and reminders.

    In Australia, always treat all snake bites with a compression, immobilisation bandage 100%. I was pointing out that is NOT the correct treatment for some other international species, and people from all over the world read these forums.
  19. Davent

    Snake sightings, encounters and reminders.

    Elapids, that is the genre of Venomous Australians snakes. If anyone from the US or Asia is reading this, do NOT treat VIPER bites like this. Reason being, elapids, like Australian venomous snakes and the mamma's, cobras, coral snakes ,Kraits etc have strong nurotoxic venoms that work very...
  20. Davent

    Garrett Axiom tutorial & other videos

    Fantastic machines available now, the 7k, the 6k and now the Axiom. You can't go wrong with any of these.