Hey PA'ers,
Just a quick drop by to give the members who Ive come to know and enjoy a bit of my news.
For now Im having the odd day, like maybe once a month coin shooting, but Ive all but given up on the gold.
Finished house build. First ever new build. Honestly a nightmare but its over. Missed a trip to Egypt with daughter as it ran so over contract.
Shed slab boxed ready for pour.
Finally have a place for the Greenhouse in the backyard!
Finished painting first ever Display house for the building company I subby to in Shepparton with the bloke I work for. Beautiful job.
Daughter got married to our (new) Son in law, couldnt be happier for them.
Have picked up a couple of hobbies to fill the gap of gold hunting, and spend most of my time in another (un-related international) forum these days.
Ill only be dropping in from time to time as I have regular commitments over there, but if anyone wants to catch up (or any future Vic PA meets) I still have the same ph number or theres always the inbox.
When I moved had a couple dolly pots left over, all welded, some painted, some with crusher rods.
If you're a well established member and you're passing through 3629 Vic postcode sometime come grab one free if Im available.
Hope all is great in your worlds, and may your pans be heavy and digs be golden.

Just a quick drop by to give the members who Ive come to know and enjoy a bit of my news.
For now Im having the odd day, like maybe once a month coin shooting, but Ive all but given up on the gold.
Finished house build. First ever new build. Honestly a nightmare but its over. Missed a trip to Egypt with daughter as it ran so over contract.
Shed slab boxed ready for pour.
Finally have a place for the Greenhouse in the backyard!
Finished painting first ever Display house for the building company I subby to in Shepparton with the bloke I work for. Beautiful job.
Daughter got married to our (new) Son in law, couldnt be happier for them.
Have picked up a couple of hobbies to fill the gap of gold hunting, and spend most of my time in another (un-related international) forum these days.
Ill only be dropping in from time to time as I have regular commitments over there, but if anyone wants to catch up (or any future Vic PA meets) I still have the same ph number or theres always the inbox.
When I moved had a couple dolly pots left over, all welded, some painted, some with crusher rods.
If you're a well established member and you're passing through 3629 Vic postcode sometime come grab one free if Im available.
Hope all is great in your worlds, and may your pans be heavy and digs be golden.