Nice! Yes - that pyrite(s).
Prick it with a pin - gold is soft. You can press hard - gold won't shatter like pyrite will

There may be some free gold in there as well - and also may be fine gold within the pyrite matrix. It'd take a lot of the latter to get excited over.
Take a look with a hand lens for free gold - it'll look distinctively "gold" compared to the Chalcopyrite and Iron Pyrite (which will look "brassy" in comparison). (I'll see if I've got a picture).
You've probably got some Arsenopyrite in there as well. Both those pyrites are harder than gold and will shatter if pressed hard with a point or an edge.
When viewed side by side they always look crude/rough compared to gold - gold that's been exposed rarely displays it's crystal planes as its very soft. It gets easy to spot the difference.
Even if there is no gold in that rock - you are definitely in a mineralised zone! If can't find any free gold with a 5x or 10x lens - keep looking parallel to the reef for an intersecting intrusion... you never know
(Advise warranty: if it breaks you get to keep both pieces)