Dave's Office
Have Detector Will Travel
I had some good news this week from an appliance company after complaining to them about a stick blender that's shaft had sh** itself. The blender was a year past it's warranty expiry and the company initially said because of that, they considered the appliance to be "naturally worn out by the user and they aren't responsible for any repairs or replacement." I polity pointed out that they have a duty of care to their customers to supply goods that are fit for purpose and anyone buying this item would expect it to last much longer than it has. I asked them to "please send me a replacement shaft for the blender, this is a very reasonable request, and if you refuse to do so I will lodge a complaint against your company with Consumer Affairs." I signed the email Kind Regards from David, and the same day received a reply saying "As a good will gesture we are going to send you a replacement blender". And it arrived today. It just goes to show, you should never let company's fob you off, it pays to stick up for your rights.