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How to search for location in Trilobite app

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 23, 2024
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Hello everyone. I am a learning prospectoring so quite often I will hear a noise and want my husband to come to me and tell me whether I am hearing things well or not.
We all know that things make different noises and I need to learn that.
What I want to know is if I press current location on my Android trilobite app and tell him my coordinates how does he search in his apple 11 IOS trilobite app to come and find me??
I have tried with both phones trying to put it in different ways with all the brackets and full stops etc but I can't get it to work.
He is a good prospector but English is his second language so we can't figure this out. Thanking you for your help in advance from a learner. WA.
Hello everyone. I posted a question on here and have spent the last hour again with the two phones and have worked out how to do a location search on a trilobite app. The coordinates when you search for them are reversed from what is displayed on the app. So when you type them in they are reversed however when you press search and okay it comes up with them the other way around as they are displayed on the original device with the location that you were searching for. Just aheads up for anyone that might be looking for someone in an emergency. Thankyou.
I've never tried doing it the way you do, we just usually leave the coords on both Android phones and then when we get home send them to Google Earth
It's more for when I want him to come over to me so that I can learn the noises because I'm still learning what metals make what noise. It's easier for him to find me with coordinates than general directions in the Goldfields where everything looks the same
It's more for when I want him to come over to me so that I can learn the noises because I'm still learning what metals make what noise. It's easier for him to find me with coordinates than general directions in the Goldfields where everything looks the same
Yes, landmarks are often in short supply out there! My wife and I always carried whistles when prospecting - the sound carries a long way, draws immediate attention and doesn't rely on batteries. One toot for 'come and see something' (usually a nugget, but sometimes an interesting sight), repeated toots for 'I'm in trouble' (injury or other emergency).

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