hi guys
been looking through this website for a while now finally thought i’d make an account ,
only very new to the whole prospecting thing, iv got myself a few pans and a river sluice and done a small amount down at oallen ford.
this friday i’m wanting to try sofala but wondering if it’s worth taking my stuff out there or is it more an area for a defector?
this is what iv found so far at oallen ford from about 6 buckets of dirt in a couple hours
thanks for reading
been looking through this website for a while now finally thought i’d make an account ,
only very new to the whole prospecting thing, iv got myself a few pans and a river sluice and done a small amount down at oallen ford.
this friday i’m wanting to try sofala but wondering if it’s worth taking my stuff out there or is it more an area for a defector?
this is what iv found so far at oallen ford from about 6 buckets of dirt in a couple hours
thanks for reading