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      Fordy70 reacted to Hawkear's post in the thread Noob from Aspendale with Like Like.
      Thanks for the follow up report Fordy70. I really don't know how to advise you about using the NOX and maybe others could help with...
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      Fordy70 reacted to XLOOX's post in the thread Noob from Aspendale with Like Like.
      Freq: multi Mode :Gold2 GB Track : On Discrim: 0 likely to be be good, if not best settings in any Oz gold area. Dont start your...
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      Fordy70 replied to the thread Noob from Aspendale.
      Hi Hawkear, Well, I went up to Paddy's Ranges on Fri, started at about 10:45AM till about 5PM, was absolutely knackered. Camped in the...
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      If you stayed at the Karri Track Camp be aware that you are not supposed to detect at or to the north of the camp ground it's...
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      Fordy70 replied to the thread Noob from Aspendale.
      So the Eq900 is good enough? I've gone over some dumps around mines and cuts into the sides of hills. Blackwood was ridiculously rugged...
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      Fordy70 reacted to Bully1's post in the thread Noob from Aspendale with Like Like.
      G,day. Have a try on some of those big quartz reef dumps around Castlemaine for specimens. They've given a lot up over the years there...
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      Hi All, Fordy here. Have always wanted to do some detectoring and so recently raced out and bought an equinox 900 from Anaconda...
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