Whinge of the day? Hallow-bloody-een! 
OMG, the shops are full of kids' witch/zombie/horror costumes and associated rubbish. There's big bins in the supermarkets, filled with giant pumpkins for hollowing out and carving ghoulish faces with a lit candle inside them. People are going hungry every night in Australia and yet there's good cropland, fertiliser, labour and transport being wasted on tonnes of inedible vegetables.
We never had this nonsense back in the day and didn't miss it either. We only knew it as a weird American custom of encouraging children to go out at night, knocking on strangers' doors, asking for treats! Yes, I know it's of Irish origin, but this isn't some Celtic revival, this is just more American consumerism run amuck and foisted on us, like their damned 'Black Friday' pre-Xmas sales.
Just like every year, I won't be answering my door on the evening of 31st October, so don't come a-knockin'!

OMG, the shops are full of kids' witch/zombie/horror costumes and associated rubbish. There's big bins in the supermarkets, filled with giant pumpkins for hollowing out and carving ghoulish faces with a lit candle inside them. People are going hungry every night in Australia and yet there's good cropland, fertiliser, labour and transport being wasted on tonnes of inedible vegetables.
We never had this nonsense back in the day and didn't miss it either. We only knew it as a weird American custom of encouraging children to go out at night, knocking on strangers' doors, asking for treats! Yes, I know it's of Irish origin, but this isn't some Celtic revival, this is just more American consumerism run amuck and foisted on us, like their damned 'Black Friday' pre-Xmas sales.
Just like every year, I won't be answering my door on the evening of 31st October, so don't come a-knockin'!