Quartz - rock or mineral? Its a rock and a mineral so in theory covered in your Miners Right for removal. Drive around the Vic goldfields - there are tonnes of quartz lining driveways, flower gardens, walls etc. at houses (myself included), businesses, even some of the older government buildings and no-one seems to care. Here are a couple of answers:
"Quartz is indeed a mineral. Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic, have a definite chemical composition and can be expressed as a chemical formula. For quartz, the formula is Si O2.
However, a rock can be quartz as well. The official term is "monomineralic" rock. That means that the rock consists of one mineral. In my part of the country, pure, white quartz veins run through igneous and sedimentary rocks. A chunk of that white quartz is a rock, but it is also a mineral."
The Geological Society of Australia (Victoria Division) states that "Quartz, feldspar and white mica are the clear or pale-coloured minerals in rocks formed from magna."