I have been at tibooburra now for a couple of weeks. Been using my sdc with moderate success. I have found the sdc is getting noisy and thought I would get my old Gold Bug 2 into action. I have been mainly going over old diggings. The Gold Bug is magic, I have been finding gold especially specimen gold Some pieces around 0.1g which scream on the Gold Bug but Sdc doesn't make a sound on. It must be something to do with the conglomerate type material. The Gold Bug2 has a 6 inch coil and will find gold so tiny it is hard to believe. I got onto a patch of tiny gold today and got 15 specks in an area of a 150 ml square. Those fifteen bits total weight around 0.1g. It all adds up in the end. I am thinking about taking a small bucket to toss my small shovel full of dirt with a signal in it to sort out when back at camp possibly pan it. Oh well its all fun seeya Ned.