Snoop Finder 5

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Feb 17, 2013
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hey guys, brand new to detecting and this forum. i just purchased a really cheap detector from ebay ( snoop finder 5). now i know i wont strike gold with this but was hoping to get some coins or jewelery from parks and beaches. will this cheap detector be good enuf? i know nothing about detecting and havent really done any reserch but just wanted a hobby to get me out and walking around. any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.
cheers...Dnnks (ment to be Dunks but my fat fingers foiled me again)
It should find coins and jewellery as most detectors will no matter how cheap they are, check out this post I made on another topic.

Nugget said:
Ive briefly seen one of these (or a very similar model) in action. I would say its fine for your first detector but its obviously a cheap unit and wont perform like a $300+ one. If it is your first detector my only advice is dont get discouraged if youre not finding too much with this machine. I'm sure you will find stuff with this detector but I've heard of people buying either a cheap detector or one that isnt suited to their needs, then giving up prematurely because they arent finding anything or what they expected to be finding anyway, in this hobby you need to have real expectations and a lot of patience.

Once it shows up, if you wouldnt mind doing some air testing and reporting back it would be appreciated.
joe said:
I have seen snoop finder 38 on fleabay, 249 inc delivery. Number of units sold from this guy 87. I just want something waterproof that can find mineralised ground blacks and and iron. Has anyone used this detector? And what is your thought? What frequency does it operate on? Thanks guys.

Joe, you'll get that model for a hundred from various sources.

Dnnks, sorry but without trying to be a downer I think you have wasted your money. It may detect large surface items but getting coins at any sort of depth it'll struggle.
Thanks Ben, I have not purchased only window shopping :) for something i could dip in the water and find some ironstones to set up the highbanker
Hello dnnks i myself in the past twelve months have been bitten by the detecting bug
i bought a gold snoop pro (jack lang) from the gold and gem magazine sydney supplier
i paid $295.00 plus postage it is water proof only up to the control box and it works really
well a freind of mine has a gpx 5000 minelab i followed behind him out of curiosity with my dectector and it did well, the mine lab was far better that goes with out saying i knew i had some sort of a chance in finding hidden treasures with mine i had a look at the link that
joe has put up and it is the yellow detector cheers happy hunting