Snake Identification information and questions

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silver said:
Snake catching was a game we used to play as kids... like wasp nest hunting but you looked under old sheets of tin and the likes.
Was lots of fun

Try that at my place and you just might be sitting beside the dead snake, one thing about snakes is if they are out in the paddock or bush all good but if they are near my dwelling away they go, all I have here are browns (mostly), red bellied blacks and tiger snakes, I have seen 1 python but it unfortunatley was dead and from what I dont know. I shifted a redbelly black 4 times before it got the message as in reality they are fairly harmless but the browns go first time as if you get bitten where I live you probably wont get out.
shakergt said:
Upside said:
goody2shoes said:
Did she nock it on the head? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes. It's now in snake heaven.

What one of the most harmless of our snakes and it got killed. :mad:

It is a shame, but you also have to understand not everyone is a snake identification expert. My wife was quite upset when she learnt what it was. She's a devout Buddhist and harming animals is taken seriously. Mosquitoes being the only exception to the rule.
Heatho said:
LoneWolf said:
You are allowed to kill a Snake if it is in Your Home or is a threat to you and your Family..... Media outlets will say all sorts of BS....


"Can I kill a snake that is on my property?
No. All Queensland reptiles are protected by law and are considered an intricate part of our natural ecosystem. Attempting to catch or kill protected wildlife can be exceedingly dangerous, and carries a maximum penalty of 5 years behind bars, or a $77,000 fine."

That's correct, But if a Snake is inside your House OR very close to your house you ARE allowed to take preventative steps to make the immediate surroundings safe..

Every Snake lover will say you are not allowed to do this and that, but truth is you Can in certain circumstances....

Me I like them but when it comes to the safety of my family or Me, Im sorry but if it refuses to move on, its by by.... They even eradicate Magpies Up here if they are deemed Dangerous during Nesting season...

Up here a 'Snake Catcher' will cost you $100+... Some just don't have kind of money lying around...

I think dogs are also a protected species but if I was being attacked by one it'd have a good yarn with a square mouth shovel.
I know a couple that actually go out into the bush on holidays to catch and tag snakes of all species, they tag them with microchips.

So if one turns up in captivity it may get scanned at a Vet or by Authorities, if it is on the 'Wild' tagged list, you are in deep shit !

Must be an interesting task, but at least you are enjoying the bush and getting paid.
