Minelab event at glenelg beach

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Dec 13, 2012
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I wasn't sure if this is the are to post this but I'm sure one of the mods will correct me if it isn't.

I went to glenelg today for the miners den/minelab competion today with high hopes of taking home the 705 up for grabs. There were three class's to enter - child - adult beginner and adult advance/expert. I join the adult beginner and was starting at 1:05 just after they had a few children heats. They aloud some kids who didnt get a shot to join in which was nice to see. After our time was up I ended up with 12 points after finding about 7 or 8 targets, meanwhile the bloke next to me had 50 or so points in total! They said around 300 people for the event in total which was a really good turn out. Needles to say I wasn't the winner but still enjoyed talking to a few people that were detectorists and had a bloke from coiltek come over for a chat which was nice. I took only a few photos and sorry that a few are crummy on the right hand side




My thoughts overall were a bit mixed, for the most part it was good. The staff were great, they had a small BBQ set up with drinks as well and location was best suited for all skills. But IMO there was one thing that didnt make it as enjoyable such as too many people detecting at the one time in a small area. There was around 15 or more at the one go, so you were limited to the area around your starting point and the targets. I understand it was just something small to get people out detecting and sell some detectors but it did make it hard to have a fair crack to win something.
That sounds like a great way to spend a Saturday morning, it's a shame they don't hold that sort of thing closer to where I live. I see what you're saying about it being a little crowded in the comp zone, but I guess at the end of the day everyone stood the same chance of winning.

Did you happen to bump into any other forum members?
Yeah I know what you mean, people where that close to each other there detectors were going nuts an were unable to detect anything. Didn't manage to bump into anyone from the forum but then again I don't know anyone personally from this site apart from my dad