I will show You My Meteorite, if you show me yours ~!"

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Dec 4, 2014
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44 grams Nickel & Iron found in Japan ~!~ there is an Unknown Big strewn field close to City here if you know where.
It is thought that the Shirahagi & Saotome meteorites might be part of the same fall, even though there is 40km between the two finds. This area is located around the city of Toyama.

I think a large part of the 23kg mass from Shirahagi was used to make some famous swords, with the remaining mass assumed lost.

If your meteorite was found around the Toyama/Nanto area, it would be a great discovery to confirm if the two falls are related.
Your interesting.
Such knowledge is rare indeed, you must be Japanese?.
I also have a theory that some Famous Japanese samurai Swords were indeed made from Nickel iron meteorites ~!"
1997 i saw a collection large nickel iron meteorites in a Jinga or shrine.
2000 I saw a large meteorite fall on Mt Rocko.

Over to you Meteorite Man ~
Hi Lucas, I think your meteorites are actually WWII sharpnel and the meteorites you are seeing flying over are actually North Korean missiles. LOL. Will be over in your mountains again this winter - sliding not digging.
Thats a good Question I don't remember !.
Targeting CHINESE buyers maybe officer .to be honest i Don't remember ~
What's going on here? I'm confused, can some one pls clear up what's going on in regards to paydirt and retirement stones posts.I'm totally lost :/
Posts are to be on topic and written with the intent to make a positive contribution to the discussion. This is going nowhere, I am closing the topic.
Jaros :|
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