Fabulous treasure found in Jordan

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The stolen booty just stacked around in it's new hidy hole by the looks of it to me,.... don't even call the cops as the crims are too long gone,... would have given off a full on signal on the ACE250 from above ground,.. if I'd a walked over it too. :D
Only one set of shoe prints,.. we'll probably never hear of it or him again. :eek:
Looks more like the work of Isis if you ask me. This is a PM I got Oct 4th back at TreasureNet. Just copy it into Google translate.....profile location says Damascus/Turkey.


AKA_RedRimmed_Desert said:
Looks more like the work of Isis if you ask me. This is a PM I got a few weeks back at TreasureNet.


That's easy for them to say RRD :lol:
I didn't want to mention it here, at TreasureNet I'm in the dowsing board a lot....so if you keep that in mind the message will make more sense. This is Google translate.

Good afternoon :
I am from Syria, and I have many sites are sure to be the treasures of gold.
Can you help me and agree to find treasures.
I am waiting for your response .
I will send coordinates to you and you help me identify targets.

My greetings to you .
AKA_RedRimmed_Desert said:
I didn't want to mention it here, at TreasureNet I'm in the dowsing board a lot....so if you keep that in mind the message will make more sense. This is Google translate.

Good afternoon :
I am from Syria, and I have many sites are sure to be the treasures of gold.
Can you help me and agree to find treasures.
I am waiting for your response .
I will send coordinates to you and you help me identify targets.

My greetings to you .
No mention about bringing your own bodyguard??? ;)
AKA_RedRimmed_Desert said:
I didn't want to mention it here, at TreasureNet I'm in the dowsing board a lot....so if you keep that in mind the message will make more sense. This is Google translate.

Good afternoon :
I am from Syria, and I have many sites are sure to be the treasures of gold.
Can you help me and agree to find treasures.
I am waiting for your response .
I will send coordinates to you and you help me identify targets.

My greetings to you .
No mention about bringing your own bodyguard??? ;)
It's nice to be able to joke about that here, seriously though you don't want to offend those guys if possible.....yet at the same time there is no way a person in the USA could help in any sense whether treasure advice or in this case map dowsing. There are laws in place to keep people from supporting ISIS or any terror organization.

Anyway, from what I've heard on the news reports, ISIS issues the antiquity permits to Syrian treasure hunters, as long as they get their percent from the finds. Helping any treasure hunter in Syria is the same as helping support ISIS. So, don't answer any PMs from them, even though have one joined my friends list.
Somewhat ironic that those bastards issue antiquity permits, then take a percentage and then the ISIS neanderthals (i'm being a bit harsh on neanderthals here) go and smash it all up in front of the cameras. Mate, i think we need to 'offend' these people (isis) instead of kowtowing to them in fear.
Well it's either that or we all end up with that full on religious war that no one really wants to see happen,... not even the atheists want to see it happen, it would be insane,... just imagine it for a minute if you are religeous from an outside point of view.
Mods ( just delete this if you think even for a second it doesnt need to be here,.... and any relevant coments that follow in the wake of it please) I'm not looking to stir the pot at all.
This thread is already going pseudo religeous at any rate. :|